It is so nice to have the Temple so close by. We can get there in less than 10 minutes.
Eric even says he can see the Angel Moroni from our street. I still havn't spotted it.
We have really enjoyed having people over to our place for dinner. A couple of Sunday's ago we had the missionaries over along with some friends we have met in our ward. From left to right we have...Eric, the missionaries, our good friend Matt Robinson who oddly enough before we knew who each other were, he checked us in at our hotel when we were here in Washington for our Wedding Reception. Small world huh? Then there is Brett Smith and Kristen Stone. She is the one who made the amazing looking dessert you see on the table. We love Brett and Kristen!
Me and the Mosaic crew. I work with wonderful people.

Me and my handsome date :) Thanks Heidi, the shirt and tie look great! `