Me and Eric on the Lake. We rented a jet ski for an hour.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Lake Chelan
We had a great Memorial Day. We decided to take a day trip...somewhere. We weren't sure where...we considered the Rain Forest, or the mountains....but then the thought of Lake Chelan sounded most fun. It is known for how clear the water is and for being nestled in a beautiful mountain area. It took us about two and a half hours to get there. We stopped in a cute little European type town on the way called Leavenworth. The weather was perfect!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This week...
Golfing at Crossroads Par 3 with friends.
For some of us it was our first time. Others had a little more experience on the greens. Either way we had tons of fun and enjoyed the super nice weather. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was about 70 degrees. I actually got a little sun tan :)
As you can see there were seven of us (Brett,Kristen, Jake, Kara, Matt, me and Eric), 3 of which were beginners. I can only imagine what the people behind us must have been thinking. It ended up taking us 2+ hours to get through 9 holes.

Ashlea Tees Off
I almost look like I know what I'm doing. I actually shot one under Eric on one hole, but he definitely came out on top when all was said and done.
What to eat for breakfast....???? Mmmmm!
So just to fill everyone in incase your wondering....
Is there morning sickness? Is she eating a lot? Is she having any cravings or aversions to food?
Is Eric making any late night trips to the grocery store?

I am doing quite well and am happy to report that I am experiencing some morning sickness, but not as bad as some people that's good. I am eating all the time. Not really because I am hungry, but because it keeps the nausea at bay. In the beginning I really craved bread sticks and quickly realized after sending Eric on a run one evening that they had to be Pizza Hut bread sticks. My Mom finds that kinda funny since she often ate at Pizza Hut while pregnant with me. I'm eating a lot more variety now than I was a couple of weeks ago, but still can't bring myself to eat green salad. I think I overdid the spinach salads just after finding out I was pregnant and now the thought of them...well we better change the subject :) I am not sending Eric out on any late night excursions for weird foods, but he has been the master toast maker. He will often bring me toast before I get out of bed to ward off any yucky feelings that seem to arrive just after getting up. Grits have been another favorite and Eric has become quiet the pro at making them. This morning I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast before church that included pancakes topped with fresh strawberries, hash browns, and eggs. Mmmmmm yummy! What I eat or don't eat takes up a lot of my time these days. :)
Me and My cute cousin Carter!

What is might be like.... We were able to babysit my little cousin Carter over the weekend. It was a ton of fun. Hats off to Nick and Amanda...he was such an easy baby, so happy and fun! He is crawling and cruising and getting into everything. He kept us on our toes, but we loved it.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Exciting News...Baby on the way!
Eric and I are very excited to share that we will be blessed with a new addition to our family. Yep... there is a baby on the way. I'm am about 9 weeks along. The due date is December 8th, so he or she will be here just in time for Christmas.
We were able to have the first ultrasound done last week, where we saw magnified x 3 this little life with a beautiful little heart beat.
We will keep everyone posted as the pregnancy progresses and are just as anxious as you all to find out if it will be a little boy or girl.
We love you all and thank you so much for sharing in this joyous time!
We were able to have the first ultrasound done last week, where we saw magnified x 3 this little life with a beautiful little heart beat.
We will keep everyone posted as the pregnancy progresses and are just as anxious as you all to find out if it will be a little boy or girl.
We love you all and thank you so much for sharing in this joyous time!
Baby Hass
It was so fun to spend Easter Sunday with Nick and Amanda. Aunt Billie Jo, Jessica and Quincy were here visiting. An added bonus :)
We enjoyed an authentic Mexican dish made by Nick and yummy desserts by Amanda.

Saturday before Easter we spent the day with family at Grandma and Grandpa Hass's. We always love going to their house. We had tons of fun, hiding eggs for each other to find, looking through picutre albums, and eating lots of good food.
Mariners Game
My First Major League Baseball Game
Seattle Mariners beat the A's
Eric, Me and our good friend Matt. Thanks to him we got free tickets and really good seats.
Thanks Matt! It was so much fun!
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