Aunt Heather.
Family visit from NC!
What a blessing to have had family come visit. Many of you may not know but I have a cousin in the Navy. He is stationed at Everett. His parents (my Aunt and Uncle) and our grandmother were here over the weekend. I was so happy when they called Monday and wanted to stop by. It was fun for Adalea to get to know some of her wonderful family members from Carolina.
Over the last couple of weeks Adalea has been making many friends.
Raegan is 4 weeks younger than Adalea. This play date they seemed to be a little more interested in each other. How fun!!
We look forward to many more.
Adalea and I anxiously await the weekend so that we can spend 2 full days with Eric. I love how he surprises us with fun Saturday afternoon outings. This past Saturday we went to Newcastle Beach. It was a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time together as a family.
Our little friend Colton and his Mom Kathy came to visit last week. We went on a 3 mile walk that took us to a boat landing on Lake Washington. Adalea was quite captivated by Colton...he made her laugh several times.
Can't wait to see ya'll again!