Just a little peak into our lives. Hikes, walks, going to the park, visiting grandma and grandpa, playing, going to church.... just being together and loving every moment of being Adalea's parents. She is so much fun!!!

And... she's off :) She has certianly been doing some moving and grooving lately. Not crawling but anything else you can imagine to get her from point A to point B.

She finally got that foot in there :)

Mother's Day

Adalea loves when Uncle Nick plays with her. They are quite the pair :)

Adalea and Eric after church on Mother's Day.

Adalea hanging out with her Daddy.

Mother's Day weekend at Grandma Hass's.
We hardly ever get pictures of the three of us, so while there were plenty of people around to take our pictureI thought I would take advantage of it.

Grandma Heidi's first Mother's Day as a Grandmother. :)