(Brett, Kristen, Kara, Jake, Eric, Me)
"So who is up for a challenge?" Kristen challenged the guys to get on the "Inverter" a ride they knew abosolutely nothing about. They all stepped up to the plate. Once locked into their seats, Jake decided to ask the kid next to him what the ride was all about....too late now :) Check out the video.
ASHLEA! That's where I grew up! I lived like 15 minutes from the fair grounds in Crystal Ridge! I went to the fair every year!
I must say that the Puyallup is the best fair I have ever been to. What a ride! That's worse than the boats at amusement parks that flip over.
Aren't Fair's the best?!?! As summer winds down, I always need a reminder why I love Fall so much, and fairs always do the trick! You look adorable! I bet EVERY pregnant woman wished they looked as good as you! Haha! You're amazing. I miss you tons.
Love always,
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