We can't believe it,
Adalea is a month old. Wow! What a fun and exciting month it has been. I just realized I
haven't taken as many pictures as when she was first born. Maybe because she doesn't just sleep peacefully for hours like she did when she was just a couple of weeks old, she is much more active and well...she is preparing her vocal cords for when she can sing to us ;) so a lot of time is spent with her in my arms (which I wouldn't want any other way) making it difficult to hold her and take pictures at the same time. Although I have not been taken a lot of pictures with the camera I have been taking a million mental pictures. I stare at her all day in awe of her beauty and sweetness. Engraved in my mind and heart are all of the faces, grimaces, smiles, scrunched cheeks, sleepy eyes, hungry lips, each little perfect body part that I seem to fall in love with more and more each day. So...in my mind there are a million pictures, but for now we have these to share. Hope you enjoy :) We love you all.

"Aren't I a big girl. I'm starting to really like my swing."

"Mommy loves playing dress up with me."

"Look at how long I am...I am about to outgrow my bassinet. Maybe Mommy and Daddy will let me put my crib in there room" :)

"The one thing I do not like is
bath time!!"

"This is me resting on mommy's shoulder after a big meal."

"After a long day these are my favorite places to be....right next to Mommy and Daddy."