So to see the highlight of today's post, which is what the title of this post is refferring to.."Adalea found her tounge" be sure to see the video below!!!
We have been having so much fun! Adalea is so happy. She is so alert and attentive to everything around her...she doesn't want to miss a beat. I think that is why nap time is sometimes a challenge :) Enjoy the pictures.

Adalea lookin so cute in the outfit Aunt Heather sent.

She is always showing off for her Daddy.

Adalea's first trip to the spa. Grandma Heidi massaged her little toes while we enoyed getting pedicures.

Our little Easter Bunny!

We had a wonderful time at Grandma and Grandpa Hass's for Easter.

Wow!! What do you see?

Adalea makes her arrival at Great Grandma's in a super cute bunny outfit.

Adalea with another grandmother (MeMe :)We love when MeMe comes to visit.
Ashlea, Adalea is growing so fast. Can't wait till you get to the East Coast so we can meet her in person. If you need a baby sitter while you are here Uncle Lewis is real good. I know she is the joy of yours and Eric's life.
Love to all
Aunt Debbie
What a happy girl! It's funny, Luke has been sticking his tongue out lately, too. Interesting to see them learn new things like that :)
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