Being Adalea's Mommy is the best! She is so sweet and so fun and so cute! Hearing her learn new words and watching her as she tries to express herself has been tons of fun.
I was a little worried trying to keep up with her and deal with the typical first (sometimes second and third) trimester yuckies that are associated with pregnancy....feeling exhausted, feeeling nauseated etc. But I'll have to say I have been truly blessed. I have hardly felt sick and just sneak a little nap in here and there when she is napping. It's been great. I am already in my second trimester! I can't believe it. This pregnancy is definitely going a lot faster than with Adalea. I can't wait to see her as a big sister. She is going to love it.
Eric, is doing great. Working hard! But always finding time for me and Adalea. Adalea loves when "Daddy comes Home" at the end of the day. She knows it's her special time with him and they have a blast. We are getting really excited for my parents to come next week for a visit! We can't wait to see them.
Totally missed that you were pregnant! Congratulations!!!! You and Molly must be due around the same time!!! Love all of the pics! Adalea is absolutely gorgeous!!
yay for baby #2! i can't wait to hear what your having:) adalea is sooo soooo cute!!! she will be such a great big sis. love ya tons! miss you!! thanks for posting:)
Thanks Ashlea for sharing your life with us. We miss you and wish you were not so far away.
Too much fun! Adalea is adorable and looks like she has a blast whatever she is doing! Congrats on being pregnant!! When are you due?? Glad you are feeling good with this pregnancy!! I'm due at the end of September with a little girl! Excited to see how different she is from Julius! Glad you all are well! Happy you will have family out soon!!
Oh I love love love it!!! This post made my morning :) Miss you guys!
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