Let's start with today. We went with some friends (Nylah, Mac, Brenna and Luke) to an indoor water park. This place was perfect for our little ones. Adalea had a blast. She loves the water and suprises me each time we go swimming with how much more comfortable she seems to be. Mac and Luke must be two of Adalea's favorite people. Little boys are so laid back and easy going...I think Adalea likes the balance it creates :) She is wearing Mac's shirt and Luke's pants in this picture. We had a little accident and no change of clothes.
So last week (you will see a picture below) it was 78 degrees and beautiful. So, I planned to spend the entire day outside with Adalea since this was the warmest day since last summer. We went to the Lake. The water was freezing, but it didn't stop Adalea. She totally suprised me and jumped in, clothes and all. So...I thought it might be a good idea to sign up for some swim classes. We go every Monday and Wednesday when Eric gets home. It has been so fun to watch her enjoy something so much. Taking Adalea to a "class" seems like such a big girl thing to do. I can't explain the joy it brings to my heart to do something for that brings such a big smile to her face.
The picturesbelow are at the Lake (from the entry above). So they call it a "beach park" here...its not really a beach, but it is a really beautiful park on Lake Washington.
Adalea's first day of Nursery. Well, I guess I should say her first official day. Toddlers begin going to the nursery during the second part of church after they turn 18 months. Adalea couldn't wait so she has been going occasionally for the past couple of months and loved it. I'm not sure what happned this particular Sunday, but she decided that she doesn't like it quite as much. She cried and cried! Maybe they should just go ahead and call me as the new nursery leader :) it looks like I might be in there a lot. :)
We love to make smoothies. It appears as though we are sharing, but Adalea usually gets most of it. :)
So we decided that maybe if we weren't cut out to be a hiking family that we could be a biking family. So....we started preparations. I needed to buy a bike (thanks Mom and Dad for the Christmas present) Eric decided to fix his bike and use his Christmas money for something else. We already had a bike trailer for Adalea... just needed helmets and that should be it right? We worked hard all weekend from stuffing a bike in the front of our car to working on the tire of Eric's bike to making a shopping trips for just the right helmets and figureing out how the bike trailer safely attached to the bike. After a lot of hard work we took off for our first ride. Itwas well worth all the work. We had a great time.
The pregnancy photos are gorgeous!! And, as always, I adore the photos of Adalea! I actually stole a photo off of a past post and printed it for Luke's little photo album :)
I had no idea you were pregnant again. wow. I'm happy for you
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