The A-team (Adalea and Ashlea) is doing great. Adalea is getting lots to eat and plenty of rest.
Here are some more pics of Adalea with her new family.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Turkey Bowl
The Seattle Institute puts on the huge football tournament every year called the Turkey Bowl. This has become a fun tradition for Eric and his friends. It starts at 4:00 and does through the night. Depending on how well you do depends on how late you stay. Let's just say we were one of the last to leave :) It was cold, and a little rainy at times, not to mention the only bathrooms in sight were "honey buckets"....but it was sooo much fun! I loved watching Eric play and spending time with Kathy and Colton.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Windows of Heaven
Heavenly Father has promised his children many that at times we may feel like the windows of heaven have opened and blessing are just pouring down. I feel that we have truly been the recipients of this love. He has blessed us through each one of you, our family and friends. When I found out I was pregnant Eric and I lived in a one bedroom mother in law apartment and wondered how we would make room for a baby. We were determined and satisfied at the idea of making it work. I never imagined being able to decorate a nursery. In July our landlord informed us that he wanted to sale the house and asked us to move out by the end of August. It was quite the adventure, finding a new place to call home, but we did and we love it. Our new place has two rooms so guess what that meant for me...the excitement of being able to prepare a special place for our little girl. It has been a dream come true. And one that would have never come true without all of you. We were given nursery furniture that has been passed down through 4 of Eric's little cousins and now on to us. We were able to find super great deals at garage sales, we have been flooded with gifts, clothes, blankets, special homemade quilts from loving grandmothers, a book collection from family in North Carolina and much much more. I can't thank you all enough. We have been truly blessed.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Puyallup Fair
So, we "Did the Puyallup". That 's what they say around here :) It was a lot of fun. We went with great friends, enjoyed yummy food and for some of us (not me!!!) got in some thrill seeking adventure.
My very first scone. It is like a glorified biscuit...nice and sweet stuffed with homemade rasberry jam.
A candy apple! This was the reason why I wanted to go to the fair. Mission accomplished and it was just as delicious as I had imagined. It wasn't an easy task to find one, but my wonderful husband wouldn't give up. Thanks honey, you made my night.

"So who is up for a challenge?" Kristen challenged the guys to get on the "Inverter" a ride they knew abosolutely nothing about. They all stepped up to the plate. Once locked into their seats, Jake decided to ask the kid next to him what the ride was all about....too late now :) Check out the video.
(Brett, Kristen, Kara, Jake, Eric, Me)
"So who is up for a challenge?" Kristen challenged the guys to get on the "Inverter" a ride they knew abosolutely nothing about. They all stepped up to the plate. Once locked into their seats, Jake decided to ask the kid next to him what the ride was all about....too late now :) Check out the video.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Danny's Home!
What an exciting weekend! Everyone has been anxiously awaiting Danny's return home from his mission. He served a 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Dominican Republic. We are so thankful for his hard work and dedication. I have posted a few pictures from the big night. Enjoy :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pregnancy Pictures
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Fun with Family in North Carolina
We spent the first week of August in North Carolina with my family. We had a wonderful time and already miss everyone so much.
Friends Reunited :) Me, Eric, Melissa, and Jeff

Another big event during our visit was the wedding of my cousin Jessica. Congratulations Jessica and Adam!!!
Check out some pictures from the reception. And don't forget to look at the video of my Dad and grandmother dancing the "jitter bug" :)

BABY SHOWER!!! Thank you Mom, Granny, Heather and Aunt Linon for the amazing baby shower. Also a special thanks to all the men that made it happen...Dad and Daniel.
We decided to use the baby shower as an opportunity to start Baby Hass's library. We received so many good books. We will cherish the words of love that were written in the front cover of each book from all of our family. We received so many special gifts and are so grateful to be blessed with such an amazing family.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Weekend in Idaho
Every year, ususally in July, all of Eric's family visits Grandpa Mann and Grandma Shelley in Payette Idaho. It is a trip that everyone looks forward to all year long. Before arriving at Grandma and Grandpa Mann's we stopped by to visit a good friend and mission companion of mine, Luisa and her husband Nate. Check out the pictures.
Me and Luisa. Thanks so much Luisa and Nate. We had a great time and enjoyed some great food! We spent the evening just catching up and then all watched an "I Love Lucy" episode. What a great idea. I havn't laughed so hard in a long time. Since our trip, Eric and I have enjoyed many other "I Love Lucy" episodes, specifically the ones when Lucy is pregnant. :)
This is Andrea, Eric's sister, with all of her little cousins. She did a great job of entertaining them, from reading to them, pushing them on the fun swings that hang from many trees in Grandpa's yard.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
What you've all been waiting for...
Me with a little belly. I'm finally getting to that stage where I actually look pregnant. People assume that it is safe to ask now, instead of just wondering if I have just gained weight. :) We are so excited to finally be able to call this baby "she" or "her" verses "it" "the baby" or "boy/girl". Now I guess it is really time to start thinking of names. For some reason the task overwhelmes me. When I was 12 I thought I had all of my kids names figured out...somehow 12 years later it's not so easy. We are getting very excited about our travels that are coming up over the next couple of weeks. This Friday we leave for Idaho. Eric's Grandpa Mann (Mom's Dad) lives in Payette, Idaho. Every year the entire family goes to visit. It sounds like tons of fun. I can't wait. Then the following weekend we will be on our way to North Carolina. I am kinda excited for the hot NC summer weather...the beach...and of course to see all of my wonderful family. I can't wait. See you all soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
We are having a little girl!
Just an update for all or our faithful followers. Baby Hass is a girl! We are so excited and wanted to share the news with all of you.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hiking Tiger Mountain
Friday evening after enjoying Eric having the day off from work, we decided to go on a hike. Eric suggested Tiger Mountain. It is a pretty strenusous 3 mile hike just a few miles from our home. I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
All the way from North Carolina
Dad finally made it to Seattle. we are so excited! We are also happy to have my Mom back for a visit. We have had lots of fun this weekend and are looking forward to three more days together. Take a look at our pictures to see what we have been up to.

We had lunch at Spud's, a really cute "Fish and Chips" restaurant back in Alki.
What a beautiful view.
Pike's Place Market
Mom made her first purchase in the Market....cherries :) Mmmmm!

Snoqualmie Falls
There are more pictures to come. Eric is the one who usually posts the pictures, so I am trying to figure this thing out. Unfortunately he is not here to help me. He left for Texas today and willb e there for work all week. I am going to miss him!! I am so grateful that my parents can be here with me through Wednesday. We are going to Mt. Rainier tomorrow and then are planning a lunch date with my cousin Amanda and her little boy Carter on Wednesday.
Mom and Dad say hello to everyone back home and Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful fathers! They will be back in N.C. Thursday morning.
Heather we wish you were here! We love you.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Lake Chelan
We had a great Memorial Day. We decided to take a day trip...somewhere. We weren't sure where...we considered the Rain Forest, or the mountains....but then the thought of Lake Chelan sounded most fun. It is known for how clear the water is and for being nestled in a beautiful mountain area. It took us about two and a half hours to get there. We stopped in a cute little European type town on the way called Leavenworth. The weather was perfect!
Me and Eric on the Lake. We rented a jet ski for an hour.
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